Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween & Naruto

Hello guys, I´m sorry I didn´t write for the last two weeks. I was so busy with homework and sports that I couldn´t play any games! Well, I did play Minecraft for about half an hour and it´s not like I could play on my consoles. Everything is in my room now -where I have no TV!- ´cause my baby brother likes to demolish every device in this house. And do you know what the worst of this all is? I CAN'T PLAY MY NARUTO GAMES! Well that's going to change soon because I'm gonna buy a Naruto game for my PSP which I can play anywhere I like without the need of a TV. More about that game later but first ehm.....

Happy Halloween! I'm a bit late I think but yeah... Well I don't know exactly what Halloween is but it isn't really big in the Netherlands so that explains why. The only thing I know of Halloween is that children go trick or treat while dressed like idiots (haha). People then give them sweets (yummy!) I don't understand why they give those ugly-dressed kids sweets but eh I guess that's tradition. Phew, am I ever glad I don't get those monster things at my door. And that was what I had to say about Halloween. If you wanna know more about it then just Google it. If you don't know how to: go to and type 'Halloween'. If you're too lazy to type it on Google or something, here's the link *click*. And if you're too lazy to even click the link... well that's your problem ^_^.

Now about that Naruto game I mentioned earlier. It's called Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact. Long name huh? What do you think about the Japanese DS game Naruto Shippuden: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshu Gekitotsu! Naruto vs. Sasuke. I call that a long name.

Okay let's be serious now. I'll call it Naruto Impact from now on, that'll be easier to write. Naruto Impact is an action/fighter game. It features over 50 character from which 26 are playable. Naruto Impact also features boss battles, co-op play, 1-on-1 fighting and 1-vs-100 fights. The story starts from the Kazekage Rescue Arc and goes all up to the Five Kage Summit Arc.

Naruto originally is a manga series, but it has been adapted into an anime (Japanese cartoon) and several video games. The manga is divided in two parts, with Part 1 being the start of the series, where Naruto tries to become a ninja and later when he becomes it he trains with his team mates Sasuke and Sakura and his sensei (master) Kakashi. Later on Sasuke is becoming darker and at the end of Part 1 he leaves Konoha to get stronger so he can avenge the death of his whole family. Naruto tries to stop him but fails. Naruto then leaves with Jiraiya to train so he can bring Sasuke back one day.
In Part 2 (Naruto Shippuden) Naruto, who has been away for two-and-a-half years to train with Jiraiya. Returns to Konoha to later find out that his friend Gaara from Sunagakure was promoted to Kazekage. He becomes angry because he is still a Genin (for explanation see the wall of text after the plot) and tries harder to become Hokage. Gaara then gets kidnapped by Akatsuki, an organisation which's goal is to capture all nine Bijū to take over the world. The Bijū are kept inside people so they can't destroy the world. Those people are called Jinchūriki. Gaara and Naruto are two of the Jinchūriki. When Naruto finds out that Gaara is kidnapped he gets the mission to rescue him. He travels with his team (consisting of Sakura and Kakashi, after Sasuke's departure) to Suna. Team Kakashi finds out that it was Akatsuki's doing and they go after them, with Granny Chiyo joining them. They finally catch up with the two of Akatsuki and they start to fight. Sakura and Chiyo fight Sasori. Kakashi and Naruto chase Deidara who carries the body of Gaara in his clay bird. After Sasori is killed and Deidara fled everyone finds out Gaara is dead. Chiyo uses a jutsu (technique) to bring him back to life but she dies after that. Gaara returns to Suna and Team Kakashi to Konoha.
Sasori gave Sakura information about a meeting he would have with Kabuto, so Sakura could find out the whereabouts of Sasuke. With Kakashi at the hospital due too much chakra loss the team needed replacement team members for the mission at the Tenchi Bridge where the meeting with Kabuto would take place. The replacing team members where Sai and Yamato. The new Team Kakashi heads out for the mission. Yamato transforms into Sasori and the rest of the team hides in the forest behind the bridge. Yamato and Kabuto talk and then Orochimaru emerges from the other side of the forest. He knows anout the presence of Naruto, Sakura and Sai and when they come to the bridge Naruto asks Orochimaru about Sasuke. When Orochimaru says Sasuke is his now and he doesn't come back, Naruto becomes angry and slowly transforms into the Kyuubi (Nine tailed demon fox). He loses his conscious when he gets four tails and starts to attack everybody...

I didn't read the manga past that part yet until the Invasion of Pain Arc. But I'll talk about that sometime later.

Ninja Ranks

Ninja's are devided in ranks with the lowest being Genin. As a Genin they learn basic techniques and some advanced chakra control. If they're good enough they may enter the Chunin Exams. If they pass they become Chunin. As a Chunin they learn more advanced techniques. A Chunin may also teach a class at the Ninja Academy. If Chunin are performing really well they may be promoted to Jonin. A Jonin may lead a Genin team on missions. The strongest ninja in the village may be promoted to Kage. The rank of Kage is the highest rank for a ninja to obtain. Kage literally means shadow in Japanese. A Kage is the village leader and the strongest ninja of the village.There are five big countries and some other small countries. The five big countries are: the Land of Fire (where most of the series' protagonists live), the Land of Wind, the Land of Water, the Land of Lightning and the Land of Earth. Each of the countries has a Hidden Village and a Kage:

The Land of Fire:
Hidden Village: Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf Village)
Kage: Hokage (Literally 'Fire Shadow')

The Land of Wind:
Hidden Village: Sunagakure (Hidden Sand Village)
Kage: Kazekage (Literally 'Wind Shadow')

The Land of Water:
Hidden Village: Kirigakure (Hidden Mist Village)
Kage: Mizukage (Literally 'Water Shadow')

The Land of Lightning:
Hidden Village: Kumogakure (Hidden Cloud Village)
Kage: Raikage (Literally 'Lightning Shadow')

The Land of Earth:
Hidden Village: Iwagakure (Hidden Stone Village)
Kage: Tsuchikage (Literally 'Earth Shadow')

I guess that was it for this time. I'm writing constantly for about three hours now so I think thats enough.

See you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Again, much impressed! You do know a lot about it and you've picked up enough English to start your own FLE-class, don't you think????

    See you tomorrow!
